As you may be aware, the Star Tribune ran a series of articles last week about services for Minnesotans with disabilities. If you saw any of them, I trust you would agree that the positive ways services impact clients was totally missing. At a time when our industry struggles to find enough qualified people to employ, such negativity is discouraging – particularly when the reality of our efforts is SO different from that described in the articles.
Because you have “seen” Aveyron’s efforts and are positive approaches toward independence, we need you to serve as Ambassadors for Aveyron. Please consider contacting your Legislators to clarify that not ALL clients receive sub-par care in MN. We need your help to let others know that Aveyron is unlike the providers mentioned in the Star Tribune, sharing your experiences as you see appropriate.
Your ongoing support is appreciated. Aveyron will continue to provide high quality care to your loved one in an effort to help them live their best life.
Kathy Kalenberg
Executive Director
The above letter was emailed to client families. If you are a family member and would like to receive Aveyron email, please share with Julie at: [email protected]