Clients have jobs during the day at supported work sites. They are taken there on public transportation whenever possible and use special transportation as needed. Some work full days, and some have shortened days, according to their needs. They are encouraged to earn a paycheck and staff help them maintain their bank accounts. They may buy things for themselves or for their families, as they wish. Staff do not make monetary decisions for them, but guide their decisions as requested by guardians.
Clients use the community resources much the same as any citizen of the community. They choose their own doctor, dentist and where to shop. They go to movies, out to eat, get their hair cut, etc. Trips to the Mall of America and other places around the state are very common. Each can plan and save funds for an annual vacation and mini-trips throughout the year. Aveyron helps our clients stay connected with their families in any way we can. They may visit parents or other family members as invited.