Each home has a vehicle to transport clients to events in the community, shopping, doctor/dentist appointments and other activities. Clients save for and plan vacations in and out of state. Some clients (with staff) have gone to Branson, Florida, Las Vegas, California and other places, as budgets allow. Staff accompany clients on trips.
Each home operates individually and staff at each home assists the client in planning all aspects of daily life. They cook their own meals with staff members’ assistance, plan vacations, budget for expenses, and shop for personal items. Clients are with staff at all times, unless able to be unsupervised for defined periods. This is only permitted when the Interdisciplinary Team agrees it is appropriate for the client.
In-home services may also be provided for individuals living alone or with family members, who need a lesser amount of staff support. Aveyron Homes can provide as few or as many hours of individual in-home support as needed. These services can be provided under the “In-Home Waiver” programs or under Semi-Independent Living (SILS) programs, or others, as approved by county case managers.