We understand that grief is a deeply personal and challenging journey. At Aveyron, we are committed to supporting our community through this process.
If you or someone you know is in need of resources or support to navigate grief, we have tools and services available to help. Whether you’re seeking a listening ear, coping strategies, or connections to professional help, we are here for you.
What is Grief?
- An emotional response to loss
- A natural, healthy process that enables one to adjust to the changes resulting from loss
- A highly personal and subjective set of responses that an individual makes to a real, perceived, or anticipated loss
- Similar to family members healthcare workers can also experience grief after the loss of a client
What happens with Grief?
- Feelings, emotions and behaviors result from loss which may come and go and there may be good days and bad days
- There may be symptoms such as: pain, loss of usual patterns of behavior, agitation, sleep and appetite disorders, decreased concentration, social withdrawal
- Symptoms often get better as time goes on and as an individual adjusts to the loss. If not, arrange to have an assessment by a medical professional.
What is the treatment for Grief?
- Often individuals need to work through the loss
- Symptoms experienced may require medical assessment and/or treatment but for many symptoms resolve as the loss is dealt with
- Use of medications for grief is rare
Points to Remember…
- Being a health care provider doesn’t protect you from grief.
- It’s very natural for you to feel grief when a client dies.
- It is not wrong to show grief or cry after a client dies.
- Not showing your grief or failing to recognize you are grieving can cause stress and may even affect the way you care for future clients.
- Your grief will vary from client to client depending on your relationships.
- Experiencing grief after a client dies and the healing process takes time.
Take advantage of Aveyron’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for confidential counseling and mental health resources.
Kavira also provides mental health services. To find out more information, check out their website at kavirahealth.com.
Please reach out for more information or to access our resources. You are not alone.